Description: Full color Coat of Arms and Crest Suitable for framing and mattingA must for genealogy & family history enthusiastsCountry of Origin & Meaning, people and events throughout historyVariant spellings through centuries of recordsGreat Gift for Christmas, Weddings, Birthdays and MoreThe images used are EXAMPLES of what the product(s) will look like. This COLLECTIBLE bundle Includes a 11x17 print and two 8.5x11 prints. The Surname for this product is the first word(s) in the products title and the country of origin is indicated with the last three words in the product title. This print uses the earliest coat of arms once associated with a bearer of the surname (last name) and the time tested Surname etymology, a history of the name and its origins throughout the ages. There may be different variations of Coat of Arms for each surname and the one we use is the oldest registered Coat of Arms verified in history. You can even downgrade and get single prints using the variation selection at the top of the item listing. Each Combo order comes with each of the following:11x17 inch Surname Coat of Arms and History Print.8.5x11 inch Surname Coat of Arms and History Print.8.5x11 inch Full-Size Coat of Arms print.One set can be framed and hung up in the home or office, and the other set can be placed in a family scrapbook or given as a gift to a relative!The History of Heraldry: Heraldry, in its broad meaning, traditionally had to do with the functions of a herald. Heraldry arose almost spontaneously in Medieval Europe around the 12th Century, coinciding with the development of armor, and the time of the crusades. This resulted in distinctive insignia's being painted on the knight's shield and embroidered on his surcoat, which was the only means by which the warrior could be identified.The Perfect Gift: These prints look great framed and/or with matting! This product ships directly from the manufacturer so please contact us with any questions prior to your purchase as changes after purchase are not possible. Can't find your name? Contact us along with the name you are interested in purchasing. Due to the nature of this product returns or exchanges are only granted if the product was damaged in transit. **When Placing Your Order** When checking out, use the ADD NOTE section to tell us what Last Name (Surname) and Country of Origin the Coat of Arms Prints is for. List of Belgium Origin Names:Absil, Adams, Admonius, Adriansen, Aerts, Albert, Alderweireldt, Alejandra, Alejandre, Alejandro, Alost, Anseeuw, Arce, Arkens, Arnwine, Ausloos, Aznoe, Badoux, Baecke, Baekelandt, Baert, Baeten, Baetje, Balen, Balliu, Barrah, Bartz, Barz, Baudoin, Bauwens, Beaufeaux, Behiels, Bekaert, Belderok, Bellero, Berckmans, Berlanger, Berton, Bertz, Bessems, Beuckelaere, Beun, Biddeloo, Blangeard, Blendeman, Blommaerts, Blondeel, Bodart, Boddens, Bogaert, Boillot, Bolli, Bolvin, Bonami, Boncher, Bonnaerens, Boortz, Bortz, Borup, Bossu, Botkin, Bouknight, Bournonville, Bournoville, Bousman, Bouweraerts, Brabant, Brabants, Brassart, Brau, Brialmont, Brichant, Brogniez, Brouckaert, Broux, Bulle, Bullynck, Bultinck, Cailteux, Callens, Calsyn, Caluwaert, Camps, Candaele, Cannoy, Cappaert, Cary, Catour, Catteau, Catteeuw, Cauwenbergh, Cayro, Ceulemans, Champlin, Cibos, Claeys, Clarembaux, Clemens, Clerbout, Clerx, Coessens, Cole, Collaert, Commers, Commyn, Cools, Coopman, Coppens, Coppert, Corderoy, Corten, Cosaert, Cossaart, Cousins, Couttenye, Crommelijnck, Cryns, Curen, Cuvelier, Dachelet, Daelemans, Daems, Daenen, Dahm, Dahman, Dahmen, Dahmer, Dame, Dameron, Damron, Dansart, Dantinne, Dauchot, Dauw, De Beukelaer, de Blouw, De Boe, De Cleene, De Colfmacker, De Coninck, De Freeuw, De Gorter, De Groote, De Herdt, De Jaeger, de Jaeghere, De Jans, De Jonckheere, De La Hamaide, De Laet, de Leener, De Maertelaere, De Meere, de Meulemeester, De Meulenaere, de Muelenaere, De Potter, De Putter, De Rae, De Ro, De Saegher, De Smedt, De Smet, De Tournay, De Vos, De Vuyst, de Weerdt, De Winne, DeBay, Debincks, DeBriyn, DeBruycker, DeCaney, Deconnick, DeCook, Decorte, Dedobbeleer, DeFerbrache, Deford, Dehmer, Deketeleare, Delcorde, Deleau, Delhaye, Delhougne, Dellaert, Delmotte, DeLobbe, DeLonge, DeMeyer, Demolle, Demoulin, DeMuynck, Dendauw, DeNeve, Denys, Dequimpaul, Desimpele, Destiche, Detaeye, Devolder, Devriendt, Dewames, Dewilde, Dewonck, Dhooge, Dhuyvetter, Dhyster, Dierikx, Diesbourg, Dillemans, Doom, Dosin, Dries, Droesbeke, Du Preez, Du Roy de Blicquy, Dubois, Dubrul, Dupris, Eerebout, Enyeart, Ernes, Esch, Eschbach, Esche, Fagnant, Falloise, Fastré, Faubion, Feeback, Femal, Ferron, Fievet, Finnette, Fivet, Flegel, Fleming, Fockaert, Foshion, Frederick, Fumal, Furne, Gabard, Gabbert, Gabert, Gaffen, Gallo, Galman, Gauze, Gebauer, Geenens, Geernaert, Geiser, Gelman, Gent, Georis, Geunes, Gevaert, Gheldof, Ghent, Ghere, Ghislain, Gibble, Gijsen, Gilbert, Gilson, Godin, Goen, Goens, Goewy, Goffinet, Gohn, Gollman, Goosen, Goossens, Gordijn, Gossiaux, Govaert, Grauman, Graumann, Greatens, Gubbels, Guenot, Gunter, Gyselbrecht, Haaf, Haezebrouck, Haff, Halffman, Hall, Hallaert, Halloin, Hannecart, Harre, Hasselle, Hastiére, Haubert, Hauff, Have, Havelange, Hawnt, Hazaert, Hedeman, Heide, Heidebrecht, Heideman, Heidemann, Hellebuyck, Henry, Heon, Herinckx, Hermus, Herremans, Hetz, Hetzel, Hetzer, Hetzler, Heydel, Heylen, Heytens, Himschoot, Hitzel, Hoberty, Hoed de Beche, Holvoet, Huet, Huisman, Hullett, Huskens, Husmann, Hutzel, Hutzler, Huys, Ingelmo, Inghels, Intrater, Ipperciel, Janssen, Janzegers, Jaspers, Joachim, Joannes, Jobeless, Jossart, Kanser, Keligon, Kin, Kinsoen, Kinst, Klag, Knepp, Knepper, Kolsteren, Koss, La Benne, La Fine, La Fontaine, La Grange, Lagrand, Lalama, Lamal, Lamboy, Laquiere, Lardinois, Laureyns, Le Mense, Leage, Lebedelle, LeBon, Leeper, Lemense, Lemes, Lemme, Lemmer, Lemmons, Lempereur, Lewis, Leyssen, L'Heureux, Libert, Liboy, Lippens, Loridan, Lou, Louwers, Lovvorn, Luikart, Maartens, Maayaens, Maelbrancke, Maerschalk, Maertens, Maes, Maesen, Maeyens, Magard, Magin, Magis, Mague, Male, Malines, Mandere, Marchand, Maris, Masquelier, Massenge, Masur, Matern, Materne, Mattern, Maw, Meece, Meerschaert, Meersman, Mees, Mehuys, Mell, Merkx, Mertens, Messer, Meulenaere, Middagh, Mitler, Mizeur, Moeykens, Mollinghen, Moonen, Moons, Moreau, Mortelmans, Mostaert, Mottard, Motto, Mousty, Musin, Muylaert, Naert, Naeyaert, Naves, Noar, Nofsinger, Noppe, Nye, Nys, Oden, Odens, Osstyn, Ottersen, Ottesen, Otteson, Ottosen, Outryve, Palange, Palinckx, Palmatary, Palmatier, Pannecouk, Pauwels, Pede, Peene, Peereboom, Peersman, Peeters, Perrewe, Persyn, Peters, Pfleger, Philippart, Pierret, Pirmez, Plangere, Plasman, Platel, Plymire, Poag, Poirot, Pouilliard, Proumen, Quaethem, Quinet, Raetz, Raitz, Rata, Redinger, Reince, Remes, Renard, Renart, Renne, Rentmeester, Renz, Rettinger, Rhonemus, Ricart, Ridinger, Rietz, Robaey, Robeyns, Rodaer, Rodenbach, Roelandt, Rolan, Roland, Rolet, Romine, Rommel, Roodhooft, Rost, Rotsaert, Rotthier, Rottiers, Rouire, Sabbe, Saint Remy, Sandrock, Savard, Scauflaire, Schecter, Schepens, Schepp, Schollaert, Schupbach, Schupp, Schut, Seghers, Sennesael, Shepp, Shope, Shupe, Simpier, Slootmans, Smagge, Smits, Snawerdt, Soenen, Sophie, Sorgeloos, Sottiaux, Sperry, Stahr, Stalin, Stalins, Stallins, Stefflen, Stehle, Stehlik, Stehling, Stehr, Stevelinck, Stiers, Stoffers, Stoner, Strobbe, Stroop, Strope, Stroup, Stroupe, Stubbe, Stuhr, Stuyck, Sweenor, Swinnen, Switzer, Tassie, Tassin, Tasson, Teetaert, Terryn, Tervalon, Textor, Thielemans, Thimmel, Thone, Timmermans, Tinglof, Tombeur, Tongret, Troup, Vaes, Valcke, Van, Van Aken, Van Alstein, Van Belle, Van Bellegem, Van Bellegham, Van Beughem, Van Blarcom, Van Bost, Van Breusegen, Van Camp, Van Caneghem, Van Cauwenberge, Van Coppenolle, Van Cromphaut, Van Damme, Van de Bossche, Van de Casteele, Van de Kerckhove, Van de Velde, Van de Voorde, Van de Walle, Van den Broucke, Van den Bussche, Van den Daele, Van den Hende, Van den Steen, Van den Weghe, Van der Borght, Van der Melen, Van der Noot, Van der Schaeghe, Van der Stichele, Van der Straeten, Van der Westhuizen, Van Deun, Van Deuren, Van Doorne, Van Dorpe, Van Driessche, Van Drisse, Van Droogenbroeck, Van Eycke, Van Fleteren, Van Goethem, Van Gulick, Van Ham, Van Heirseele, Van Hemelryck, Van Herpe, Van Heule, Van Hilst, Van Hoedt, Van Holbeck, Van Hollenbeck, Van Hoorebeke, Van Horn, Van Kerkhove, Van Kerrebroeck, Van Lanker, Van Looy, Van Louwe, Van Lue, Van Maele, Van Malderghem, Van Massenhoven, Van Meenen, Van Meldert, Van Moortel, Van Mullem, Van Nieuwenhuyze, Van Oost, Van Oostveldt, Van Ophem, Van Overbeke, Van Overschelde, Van Petegem, Van Remoortere, Van Rissighem, Van Roy, Van Severen, Van Slambrouck, Van Speybroeck, Van Stappen, Van Steelandt, van Steenhuyse, Van Steenkiste, Van Tomme, Van Veckhoven, Van Vooren, Vanbiervliet, Vancuren, Vandanbusch, Vande Putte, Vandegejuchte, Vandegjuchete, Vanden, Vandenbrulle, Vander Meersch, Vanderbeck, Vanderborg, Vanderhagen, Vandermeeren, Vanders, Vanderstock, Vanderstreet, Vandersypen, Vanhavel, Vanhove, Vanlandingham, VanMalderen, Vanryckeghem, Vantassel, Vanthournout, Vanwormer, Ver Braeken, Ver Weire, Verbeke, Vercaemst, Verdick, Vereecken, Verellen, Verfaillie, Vergauw, Verhaege, Verhalen, Verheedt, Verhelst, Verheyleweghen, Verhoef, Verhoestra, Verhoeven, Verhoy, Verhulst, Verjano, Verlinden, Verlodt, Vermeiren, Verreynne, Verschoore, Verstraete, Verstreater, Vervaeke, Vervaet, Vervoordt, Vervoren, Vervynckt, Verycken, Vian, Viana, Viani, Vierstraete, Vigna, Vigneron, Vinckier, Visagie, Visart, Vissers, Vleminckx, Voght, Von Lignau, Von Mulders, Von Quaethem, Wacquier, Waedemon, Waner, Wauters, Wauthy, Weckert, Wekwert, Wenner, Wiles, Wilkay, Willems, Winegeart, Winner, Wonner, Wylin, Yerna, Yough, Ysewyn NOTE: If you don't see your name in the list please reach out to us and we will see if we can locate it. We are adding new names and coat of arms every day! **When Placing Your Order** When checking out, use the ADD NOTE section to tell us what Last Name (Surname) and Country of Origin the Coat of Arms Prints is for.
Price: 15.99 USD
Location: Hobart, Indiana
End Time: 2025-01-19T15:25:39.000Z
Shipping Cost: 0 USD
Product Images
Item Specifics
Restocking Fee: No
All returns accepted: Returns Accepted
Item must be returned within: 30 Days
Refund will be given as: Money back or replacement (buyer's choice)
Return shipping will be paid by: Seller
Art: Print
Features: Personalized
Available Variations
Color: Three Print Combo
Price: 34.99 USD
Available Quantity: 60
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: 11x17 Print
Price: 19.99 USD
Available Quantity: 60
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: 8.5x11 Print
Price: 15.99 USD
Available Quantity: 60
Quantity Sold: 1