US ARMY SERE School - SF - US Ranger - Survival - ODA - Delta - Recondo - POW

Description: HIGHLY DETAILED 3 3/4" SERE TRAINING NON-MERROWED EDGE PATCH US ARMY SERE SCHOOL Survival ~ Evasion ~ Resistance ~ Escape (SERE) The goal of the United States Army's training in survival, evasion, resistance and escape, or SERE, is to teach personnel how to survive if they become separated from their unit; to evade a hostile force and make their way back to friendly forces; and to avoid capture. In the event that soldiers are captured, SERE training will have prepared them to resist the enemy's attempts at exploitation, to escape from captivity and to return home with honor. The Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape, or SERE, school at Camp Mackall, N.C., is undergoing some broad changes to make the SERE course an integral part of the Special Forces Qualification Course, or SFQC; to ensure that all Special Forces Soldiers are SERE Level-C qualified; and to ensure that SERE remains relevant to the current operational environment. Under the direction of Major General James Parker, commanding general of the United States Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School, SERE has integrated training in Peacetime Government Detention and Hostage Detention, or PGD/HD, into its curriculum, and it has adopted a new Core Captivity Curriculum, or CCC, that will greatly enhance and update resistance training. SERE has also significantly increased its student output and has moved from being taught at the end of the SFQC to becoming part of Phase II of the pipeline. SERE Training SERE has always existed as training in support of the Military Code of Conduct. The relationship between SERE training and the Code of Conduct has been formalized in a number of studies and documents since the 1970s. Of importance to Army SERE training is Army Regulation 350-30, Code of Conduct, Survival, Evasion, Resistance and ESCAPE (SERE) Training, originally published in 1985 and updated in 2002. The current AR 350-30 supports Department of Defense level requirements as outlined in Department of Defense Directive 1300.7, Training and Education to Support the Code of Conduct, and Department of Defense Instruction 1300.21, Code of Conduct Training and Education. All of these documents establish three levels of Code of Conduct training: Level-A is initial-entry-level training that all Soldiers, enlisted and officers, receive upon entering the service. It provides a minimum level of understanding of the Code of Conduct. Level-B is designed for personnel whose "jobs, specialties or assignments entail moderate risk of capture and exploitation." DoD 1300.21 lists as examples, "members of ground combat units, security forces for high threat targets and anyone in the immediate vicinity of the forward edge of the battle area or the forward line of troops." Current operations in Iraq have shown that practically everyone deployed in theater falls under this category. Consequently, demand for Level-B training has proliferated exponentially, and it has become mandatory for most deploying forces. Level-B is conducted at the unit level, through the use of training-support packets containing a series of standardized lesson plans and videos. Level-C is designed for personnel whose "jobs, specialties or assignments entail a significant or high risk of capture and exploitation." AR 350-30 supports DoD 1300.2 l's mandate: "As a minimum, the following categories of personnel shall receive formal Level-C training at least once in their careers: combat aircrews, special operations forces (e.g., Navy special warfare combat swimmers and special boat units, Army Special Forces and Rangers, Marine Corps Force Reconnaissance units, Air Force Special Tactics teams, and Psychological Operations units) and military attaches." The SERE Level-C training facility at Camp Mackall is one of only four facilities within the Department of Defense that is authorized to conduct Level-C training. The Air Force conducts training at Fairchild AFB, Wash., and the Navy has facilities in Brunswick, Maine, and at North Island, Calif. The Army Aviation Center at Fort Rucker, Ala., is in the process of building another Level-C facility. With the exception of minor periodic adjustments in content and length, SERE instruction at Camp Mackall has changed little since Lieutenant Colonel Nick Rowe conducted the first Level-C course in 1986. The course spans three weeks with three phases of instruction, with the first phase consisting of approximately 10 days of academic instruction on the Code of Conduct and in SERE techniques that incorporate both classroom learning and hands-on field craft. The second phase is a five-day field training exercise in which the students practice their survival and evasion skills by procuring food and water, constructing evasion fires and shelters and evading tracker dogs and aggressor forces for long distances. The final phase takes place in the resistance training laboratory, a mock prisoner-of-war camp, where students are tested on their individual and collective abilities to resist interrogation and exploitation and to properly apply the six articles of the Code of Conduct in a realistic captivity scenario. The course culminates with a day of debriefings in which the students receive individual and group feedback from the instructors. These constructive critiques help students process everything they have been through, to solidify the skills they applied properly and to correct areas that need adjustment. SERE Ramp-up Over the past year, SERE has begun a transformation that will bring it on line with the transitioning SFQC, as well as make training more relevant to a broader spectrum of captivity environments. This transformation in SERE consists of three major changes: moving the course from its current position in the pipeline, increasing student output and incorporating new resistance-training techniques in PGD/HD. Since its inception, SERE has been a stand-alone course, separate from, but working in conjunction with, the pipeline. Slots were primarily allocated to students in the SFQC but were also offered to other Army special-operations forces, or ARSOF, such as Rangers, 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment pilots and Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations personnel. The course also slotted students from other Army components, primarily aviators, airborne infantrymen, and long-range-surveillance Soldiers. Even though AR 350-30 mandates that all SF Soldiers require SERE Level-C training, because the SFQC and SERE have been run separately, and because of limited space in the SERE course, not all SF Soldiers have received SERE training in the past. Beginning in 1998, with a directive from the commanding general of the U.S. Army Special Operations Command, or USASOC, SERE Level-C became mandatory for all SFQC graduates before their assignment to an SF group. Furthermore, with AR 350-30 and DoD 1300.21 mandating SERE Level-C for all ARSOF, the demand for SERE increased substantially to accommodate all pipeline students, the backlog of SF Soldiers without SERE, and other slots needed for ARSOF and Army-component students. Also contributing to the growing demand for SERE Level-C training is the substantial number of Special Forces recruits, the "18 X-Rays," who are joining the ranks, succeeding in assessment and selection and entering the SFQC. By fiscal year 2004, the steady state for SERE was 20 classes per year, with an average of 48 students per class, or 960 graduates per year. Even with this substantial output of students, SERE's placement at the end of the pipeline contributed to a bottleneck effect that the transformation aims to correct. To eliminate the bottleneck effect and to contribute to a more efficient pipeline, SERE has moved into Phase II of the SFQC. As students finish the fifth and final module of small-unit tactics, or SUT, they will immediately begin a SERE course. Until recently, each module of Phase II SUT was designed for 75-man classes. Now each module is training 90 students. SERE has had to ramp-up its capacity substantially to accommodate Phase II students and to continue to address students at the end of the pipeline, the backlog of SF Soldiers without SERE, and other ARSOF slots. In April 2005, SERE began training 78 students per class. In October 2005, SERE again increased its student load by in-processing 100 students, the largest class in SERE history. To further accommodate the demand, SERE also increased its number of classes per year from 20 to 22, beginning in fiscal year 2005. At the end of FY 2005, SERE had graduated 1,287 students, a 34-percent increase over the FY 2004 average of 960. At the current rate of 22 classes of 90 to 100 students per class, SERE will have produced between 1,968 and 2,178 graduates by the end of FY 2006, an increase of between 100 percent and 127 percent of that average. The future steady state for SERE is to have the backlog worked off and to conduct 20 classes per year with the number of seats per class sufficient to accommodate the 20 Phase II SUT classes and slots for other ARSOF Soldiers. Peacetime Government/Hostage Detention In 2002, the commander of SWCS tasked the Directorate of Training and Doctrine to establish a PGD/HD course to offer another high-risk Level-C capability that would focus on a broad spectrum of current captivity environments. The DOTD created a five-day curriculum, modeled after an existing course offered by the Joint Personnel Recovery Agency, to teach current DoD policy for the application of the Code of Conduct in a much broader range of captivity scenarios than offered in the traditional, or "wartime," SERE course. PGD/HD provides students with the situational awareness needed to resist exploitation in a number of unpredictable environments common in the current operational arena, from friendly government detentions to highly volatile hostage and terrorist captivities. PGD/HD incorporates a unique learning tool, the academic role-play laboratory, in which students benefit from observing and critiquing each other in role-play scenarios with the instructors. The course was originally created to instruct 300 students per year in 20 classes of 15. PGD/HD was short-lived as a stand-alone course. As part of the transformation, Parker also tasked SERE to combine its traditional "wartime" SERE course with the new PGD/HD, or "peacetime," course to ensure that all SF Soldiers received the benefits of both. The SERE company merged the PGD/HD cadre and the resistance-training detachment of the wartime course and combined the PGD/ HD curriculum with the academic portion of the wartime course to create a 19-day combined SERE program that would fit into the Phase II calendar. Aug. 1, 2005, marked the beginning of the first combined SERE course. Class 16-05 graduated on Aug. 19 with more training in resistance skills than any class in SERE history. Currently, SERE is successfully operating 90- to 100man classes in the combined course that have a fairly even mix of Phase II students, end-of-pipeline students and SF backlog. As of December 2005, nine classes of the combined course have graduated, and student and cadre feedback has been positive. A student from Class 16-05 who had just finished Phase II commented, "I hope the rest of the SF pipeline lives up to the experience I have had in SERE. Thank you." Core Captivity Curriculum By instituting the combined wartime and peacetime SERE course, the SERE company created a "bridge plan" to posture itself for the assumption of the Core Captivity Curriculum, or CCC. The CCC is a joint effort among the sister-service SERE schools and the Joint Personnel Recovery Agency to create a curriculum that officially merges wartime and peacetime resistance training into an updated curriculum of resistance training that better replicates the ambiguities of the modern global environment. It will effectively eliminate the potential for confusion created by the current state of resistance training, which teaches three separate captivity environments (wartime, peacetime government/OOTW and hostage). The CCC consolidates resistance techniques across the spectrum of captivity and focuses on producing smarter resisters who have keen situational awareness. It is important to note that the CCC applies only to resistance training in SERE. It has no effect on the instruction of survival, evasion and escape skills, except for refocusing the field-training exercise scenarios to better replicate appropriate captivity environments. Transitioning to the CCC was not an overnight process. It entailed a significant paradigm shift among instructors who have been immersed in a wartime scenario for a long time. The bridge plan gave the SERE company the opportunity to cross-train and familiarize the cadre with the coming changes. The SERE company worked closely with the SERE training developer in the SWCS Directorate of Training and Doctrine to ensure a smooth transition to the new CCC program of instruction. As an integrated part of the pipeline, SERE is also working with the other phases to ensure that SERE scenarios flow logically with the rest of the SFQC training experience. The CCC offers the SERE company a great opportunity to rethink its old ways of doing business, with imagination being the only limitation in creating realistic training scenarios to prepare Soldiers for the ambiguous and volatile world in which they will operate. Conclusion In his book, In the Company of Heroes, retired 160tb Special Operations Aviation Regiment pilot CW4 Mike Durant reflected on the SERE training he received at Camp Mackall in the winter of 1988 and the strength it gave him during his 11-day captivity in Somalia in October 1993: "I came away [from SERE] with tools that I never believed I would ever really need, but even in those first seconds of capture at the crash site in Mogadishu, those lessons would come rushing back at me. Throughout my captivity, I would summon them nearly every hour ... I thanked [Nick Rowe] silently every day in Mogadishu, and I asked that God bless him, as I tried to plan my next move." Durant's words are a resounding testimony to the enduring reputation and efficacy of the SERE course. SERE remains rooted in the past and takes great pride in recognizing and using the sacrifices of heroes like Rowe and Durant as learning points for future generations of SERE students. The SERE cadre turned out enmasse last November to honor the memory of America's longest held POW, Colonel Floyd J. Thompson, held in Vietnam for nine years, at the dedication of a street bearing his name on Fort Bragg. In the crowd were the Son Tay raiders who risked their lives in a POW-rescue mission into North Vietnam in 1970. SERE maintains a brotherhood with the Fayetteville Chapter of Ex-POWs, and it invites members of the group of former POWs to speak to every graduating class. The students absorb the tales told by these heroes, and the POWs thrive on sharing the hard-learned lessons of their experiences. Through these efforts, the SERE company draws on the lessons of the past that can truly mean the difference between life and death in the future. While nourishing its connections to the past, SERE is future-oriented and is successfully transforming to meet the needs of the Global War on Terrorism by staying relevant in the unstable post-Cold War world of the 21st century. In an operational arena characterized by nationalistic movements, radical religious fundamentalism, rampant terrorism and anti-Western sentiment fueled by globalization and economic disfranchisement, our Soldiers will face a broad spectrum of isolation and captivity that has produced unimaginable episodes of horrific violence. SERE remains dedicated to training our Soldiers to face this world with every skill they will need to survive and return with honor. THE AUTHOR Major Brian D. Hankinson is the commander of Company D (SERE), 1st Battalion, 1st Special Warfare Training Group. He was previously the chief of the Personnel Recovery Branch, Special Forces Doctrine Division, Directorate of Training and Doctrine, JFK Special Warfare Center and School. His previous assignments include: Artillery officer, 82nd Airborne Division; detachment commander of ODA 584, 3rd Battalion, 5th Special Forces Group; and assistant professor of American history at the United States Military Academy. Hankinson holds a bachelor's degree from the U.S. Military Academy and a master's degree from the University of Maryland. YOU ARE NOT FORGOTTEN On Oct. 29, 1963, Captain Rocky Versace, First Lieutenant Nick Rowe and Master Sergeant Dan Pitzer were captured in South Vietnam Pitzer was eventually released after four years. Rowe escaped after five years and went on to write about his experiences in Five Years to Freedom. The Viet Cong however, executed Versace for his stubborn resistance and refusal to deviate from the Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct was created by an executive order signed by President Dwight D. Eisenhower on Aug. 17, 1955, in reaction to the unfavorable performance of a substantial number of American POWs held during the Korean War. The six articles of the code specified the responsibilities of American military personnel in combat and captivity. The code remained unchanged until 1977, when an executive order by President Jimmy Carter modified the code because of problems it created during the Vietnam conflict, when some POWs, like Versace, died by following the code too strictly, and some ex-POWs lived with heavy guilt because they felt they survived by violating the code. The sticking point for many of the Soldiers was Article 5 of the code, which in its original form stated, "When questioned, should I become a prisoner of war, I am bound to only give name, rank, service number, and date of birth [the "Big Four"]. I will evade answering further questions to the utmost of my ability. I will make no oral or written statements disloyal to my country and its allies or harmful to their cause." By incessantly sticking to only the Big Four in response to questioning, Versace displayed outright contempt for his captors, and he eventually outwore his usefulness to them. Because of the unforeseen consequences created by the strict wording of Article 5, President Carter mandated in 1977 that the wording of the article be changed to recognize that POWs could take only so much abuse in captivity and that the code had to allow for a more reasonable level of resistance. The word "bound" was changed to "required" and the word "only" was deleted. Such subtle changes may seem superficial; but the rewording eliminated the strict adherence to giving only the Big Four. The new code made allowances for human limits. It still held service members to a high standard of moral and legal conduct, but it gave each individual the authority to judge his or her own limits and to do what was necessary to survive and return with honor. Versace's sacrifice contributed immeasurably to the evolution of the Code of Conduct and to the development of the Army's Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape, or SERE, program. Rowe drew from Versace's tragic story when he was chosen to create a new Army SERE course for the Special Forces School in 1981. Over a period of five years, Rowe, along with his hand-picked cadre, including Pitzer, built the Army SERE School from the ground up at Camp Mackall. The course evolved through different levels of survival-and-evasion training and eventually incorporated resistance training and a resistance training laboratory that culminated in the first SERE Level-C course graduating in February 1986. Rowe infused his course with the hard-learned lessons of his five years of captivity and the seemingly pointless death of Versace. He realized there was a need to educate soldiers on proper techniques of resistance that would improve their chances for survival. His mission was to create smart evaders and smart resisters who could live by the Code of Conduct, survive and come home with their honor intact. Code of Conduct ARTICLE I I am an American, fightin5 in the forces which guard my country and our way of life. I am prepared to give my life in their defense. ARTICLE II I will never surrender of my own free will. If in command, I will never surrender the members of my command while they still have the means to resist. ARTICLE III If I am captured I will continue to resist by all means available. I will make every effort to escape and to aid others to escape. I will accept neither parole nor special favors from the enemy. ARTICLE IV If I become a prisoner of war, I will keep faith with my fellow prisoners, I will give no information or take part in any action which might be harmful to my comrades. If I am senior, I will take command. If not, I will obey the lawful orders of those appointed over me and will back them up in every way. ARTICLE V When questioned, should I become a prisoner of war, I am required to give name, rank, service number, and date of birth. I will evade answering further questions to the utmost of my ability. I will make no oral or written statements disloyal to my country and its allies or harmful to their cause. ARTICLE VI I will never forget that I am an American, fighting for freedom, responsible for my actions, and dedicated to the principles which made my country free. I will trust in my God and in the United States of America. The goal of the United States Army's training in survival, evasion, resistance and escape, or SERE, is to teach personnel how to survive if they become separated from their unit; to evade a hostile force and make their way back to friendly forces; and to avoid capture. In the event that soldiers are captured, SERE training will have prepared them to resist the enemy's attempts at exploitation, to escape from captivity and to return home with honor. Department of Defense Directive 1300.7, Training and Education Measures Necessary to Support Code of Conduct, establishes three levels of SERE training: A, B and C. Level A. Level-A SERE training is initial-entry training that is included in the program of instruction during basic training and during all entry-level courses of instruction for officers. Level B. Level-B SERE training is designed for officers and enlisted personnel who operate (or who could potentially operate) near enemy lines. Unit-level instruction in Level-B SERE is accomplished using a training support packet, or TSP, that contains 16 standardized lesson plans that support training in 38 tasks. Level C. Level-C SERE training is designed for personnel whose wartime position, military occupational specialty, or assignment entails a high risk of capture, and whose position, rank or seniority would make them targets for stronger-than-average exploitation efforts by a captor. Personnel who operate in enemy-controlled areas, such as Special Forces, Pathfinders, selected aviators, flight-crew members and members of Ranger battalions, should receive Level-C training. Level-C SERE training is conducted by the JFK Special Warfare Center and School's Company A, 2nd Battalion, 1st Special Warfare Training Group. Company A is one of four advanced-skills companies within the 2nd Battalion. Because nearly 70 percent of Company A's instructor positions are allotted to its two SERE detachments (the Field Training Detachment and the Resistance Training Detachment), the company is commonly referred to as the "SERE Company" or as the "SERE School." Company A is the only Army unit that is authorized to conduct Level-C SERE training. History The Army's Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape Course traces its roots to the Vietnam conflict. On Oct. 29, 1963, Captain Rocky Versace, First Lieutenant Nick Rowe and Master Sergeant Dan Pitzer were captured in South Vietnam after an intense fire fight. All three endured hardships as captives of the Viet Cong. Versace was eventually executed for his staunch resistance to communist indoctrination. Pitzer was freed after four years. Rowe remained a prisoner for more than five years. In late December 1968, the Viet Cong, frustrated by Rowe's refusal to accept communist ideology and weary of his continued attempts to escape, scheduled his execution. As Rowe was being transferred for execution, he took advantage of the distraction caused by a sudden overflight of U.S. helicopters and struck down his guard. Still keen to his surroundings after 62 months of captivity, Rowe ran into a clearing, where he was spotted by the helicopters. He was rescued and quickly repatriated. Rowe left the Army in 1974 and wrote a book about his POW experiences, Five Years to Freedom. When the Army Special Forces School recognized the need for a SERE program, Rowe was the first choice as the person to design the course and to establish its operation. He was recalled to active duty in 1981 and was given the mission of developing and running the SERE program. First SERE Course Guided by his own POW experiences, Rowe developed the SERB Level-C Course. Since its first iteration in March 1986, the course's intent has remained unchanged: To train personnel to survive if separated from their unit; to evade in a hostile environment and to make their way back to friendly lines; to resist enemy attempts at exploitation; to plan for an escape; and most importantly, to return home with honor. Under Rowe's leadership, the SERE Department of the Special Warfare Center not only taught the SERE Course, it became the proponent for all SERE training throughout the Army. With funding from the Department of the Army, the SERE Department deployed mobile training teams to unit locations to validate unit Level-B training or, if necessary, to provide Level-B training. In April 1985, the SERE Department introduced an additional course, the Individual Terrorism Awareness Course, or INTAC. INTAC was designed to teach antiterrorist-related subjects to personnel prior to their deployment to medium- and high-threat areas. In July 1986, in an effort to minimize the vulnerability of U.S. units to terrorist attacks overseas, the department added a third course, the Antiterrorism Instructor Qualification Course, or AIQC. Selected personnel attend AIQC in order to become qualified to present antiterrorism training to individuals and units that are scheduled for deployment overseas. In 1990, Company E of the 2nd Battalion assumed responsibility for conducting the SERE Course. Company E established a subordinate detachment, the Antiterrorism Training Detachment, to teach INTAC and AIQC. In 1996, Company E was re-flagged as Company A, and in 1998, the company added the Advanced Special Operations Training Detachment. Each year, Company A trains more than 1,500 service members and other DoD personnel in its SERE, antiterrorism and advanced special-operations training courses. Level-C SERE training The Army's Level-C SERE training is conducted at Camp Mackall, N.C., approximately 35 miles southwest of Fort Bragg. Camp Mackall is also the training site for Special Forces Assessment and Selection and for the Special Forces Qualification Course. The Camp Mackall SERE training facility is one of only four facilities within the Department of Defense that are authorized to conduct Level-C SERE training. The Navy has facilities at Brunswick, Maine, and at North Island, Calif.; the Air Force has a facility at Fairchild AFB, Wash. The cadre of the Army's SERE Course are among the finest training instructors within DoD. While the majority are SF NCOs, there are also SF retirees (Department of the Army civilians); NCOs from other Army branches such as Military Intelligence (interrogators), Infantry (Rangers), Signal (audiovisual technicians); and NCOs from the U.S. Marine Corps. The Army's 19-day SERE Course is the longest SERE course taught within DoD. All training is conducted in support of DoD Directive 1300.7, Training and Education Measures Necessary to Support the Code of Conduct, 23 December 1998. Students include personnel from the Army, Navy, Marine Corps and other government agencies. The course is taught in three phases: academic instruction; a survival-and-evasion field training exercise, or FTX; and a resistance exercise. Academic instruction. Academic instruction consists of 10 days of classroom training at Camp Mackall's Rowe Training Facility, and practical instruction at the Little Muddy Training Site. All academic instruction is reinforced by practical application at some point during SERE training. Survival and Evasion FTX. During the five-day survival-and-evasion FTX, student teams evade through a nine-mile corridor of woods and dense vegetation. Pursued by tracker dogs and by soldiers playing the role of the opposing force, the student teams must be careful to avoid contact with the local populace. During the FTX, the students must also forage for food and water. When the student teams reach their destination, they must complete a series of survival tasks that measure how much they learned during the academic phase. Resistance exercise. The third phase of SERE training is taught in the unique Resistance Training Laboratory, or RTL. The RTL -- a mock prisoner-of-war camp -- offers what is quite possibly the most challenging training that the students will ever experience. The four days spent in the RTL test students' individual and collective abilities to resist enemy attempts at exploitation. Students learn quickly that they must work together as a team in order to survive captivity. During the last day of the resistance exercise, students receive individual and collective debriefings from the RTL cadre. The purpose of the debriefings is to give students an understanding of how well they performed while in captivity. During the debriefings, the students learn how they might have reacted differently in certain situations, so that if they are ever held captive, they will have a better chance of resisting and of returning home with honor. The SERE Course culminates with a graduation ceremony, during which a member of the Fayetteville, N.C., chapter of the American Ex-Prisoners of War recounts his real-life POW experiences. The Fayetteville chapter has supported the SERE program since 1985, when Dan Pitzer, then a civilian SERE instructor, first invited chapter members to attend a graduation ceremony. In July 1999, the commanding general of the Special Warfare Center and School affirmed the chapter's former POWs as lifelong members in the brotherhood and lineage of the Special Warfare Center and School. SFQC pipeline In 1998, the commanding general of the Army Special Operations Command directed that each graduate of the Special Forces Qualification Course complete Level-C SERE training and basic language training prior to being assigned to a Special Forces group. To overcome the instructor shortage created by the increased number of SERE students, the Special Warfare Center and School developed and executed the SERE Ramp-up Initiative. Under this initiative, 15 contract instructors were hired in order to meet the increase in SERE student throughput. Contract-instructor qualifications are identical to those required of TDA instructors. Accordingly, every SERE class during fiscal year 2000 trained to its maximum capacity. Major Blaine Miller is the commander of Company A, 2nd Battalion, 1st Special Warfare Training Group. His previous assignments include rifle platoon leader, antitank platoon leader and company executive officer in the 1st Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment, 25th Infantry Division; Assistant S3 (Plans & Exercises), 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division; SF detachment commander in the 1st Battalion, 3rd SF Group; chief of theater operations in DCSOPS, USASOC; and G3, USAJFKSWCS. Major Miller holds bachelor's and master's degrees from Shippensburg State University, Shippensburg, Pennsylvania.

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